“Staging: Experiments in Social Configuration” by Sofía Olascoaga.
FORECLOSED: Between Crisis and Possibility
© 2011 Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY
“Staging: Experiments in Social Configuration” by Sofía Olascoaga.
FORECLOSED: Between Crisis and Possibility
© 2011 Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY
Usable Art. Text and Concept by John Perreault.
Myers Fine Arts Gallery, State University College—Plattsburgh, New York, 1981.
Copyright, John Perreault 2011.
Giving Aliens New $10 Bills Loses U.S. Subsidy as ‘Art’
In the face of ridicule from its critics, the National Endowment for the Arts has withdrawn its backing from a project in which three conceptual artists hand out $10 bills to illegal immigrants near the Mexican border.
Noting that United States currency is neither supplies nor materials as specified in the grant to the sponsoring museum in San Diego, the endowment announced late Friday that the $4,500 in cash handouts was an “unallowable expense.”
One of the artists, Elizabeth Sisco, was quick to respond today, saying the decision was politically motivated and accusing the endowment of creating a fictional list of artistic materials that excludes cash.
“The $10 bills are the materials of the project,” Ms. Sisco said. “The conceptual network we have created showing the link between all taxpayers relies upon those $10 bills. They are like the bucket of paint that a muralist would go out and purchase, like the slab of bronze a sculptor would use.”
Josh Dare, a spokesman for the endowment, responded, “We don’t have a listing of supplies and/or materials; nor do we have a definition of supplies and/or materials.” But, he added, “We do not consider United States currency a supply or material.”…
Right-wing extremists tricked by ‘Trojan’ T-shirts
Hundreds of free T-shirts handed out at a weekend right-wing rock festival in the eastern German state of Thuringia contained a secret surprise. Upon washing, the original graphic faded to reveal a clandestine message.
German skinheads who took home free T-shirts after a music festival on Saturday were in for a big surprise.
The shirts, which bore a skull and crossbones symbol and the word ‘Hardcore Rebels,’ faded upon washing to reveal a hidden message: “What happened to your shirt can happen to you. We can help you break with right-wing extremism.”
The T-shirts were the work of Exit Deutschland, a group that helps young people transition out of militant right-wing lifestyles…
En Kiev, Ucrania, la joven artista Anna Sinkova miembro del colectivo Brotherhood of St Europe, ha sido encarcelada por la realización de una performance consistente en freír unos huevos y unas salchichas en la llama eterna en honor de los soldados caídos y que conmemora la victoria soviética sobre la Alemania nazi…
2011: El año de la acción directa
Tras años de individualismo en el mundo del arte, del más refinado al más pop, y del largo reinado de la generación yo al amparo de Internet, vuelve el combate social. Creadores y activistas se enfrentan a políticos, banqueros y leyes. Sigue habiendo teoría, pero manda la práctica. La cultura pasa a la acción…