
Category Immigration

National Immigration Law Center (NILC)

National Immigration Law Center (NILC)

Since 1979, the National Immigration Law Center has been dedicated to defending and advancing the rights of low-income immigrants and their family members.  Over the past 30 years, NILC has earned a national reputation as a leading expert on immigration, public benefits, and employment laws affecting immigrants and refugees.  Our extensive knowledge of the complex interplay between immigrants’ legal status and their rights under U.S. laws is an essential resource for legal aid programs, community groups, and social service agencies across the country…



Migration Policy Institute

Migration Policy Institute

The Migration Policy Institute is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank in Washington, DC dedicated to analysis of the movement of people worldwide.MPI provides analysis, development, and evaluation of migration and refugee policies at the local, national, and international levels. It aims to meet the rising demand for pragmatic and thoughtful responses to the challenges and opportunities that large-scale migration, whether voluntary or forced, presents to communities and institutions in an increasingly integrated world…



Refugees USA

Refugees USA

Resources for immigration information to the USA

National Immigration Forums

National Immigration Forums

Established in 1982, the National Immigration Forum is the leading immigrant advocacy organization in the country with a mission to advocate for the value of immigrants and immigration to the nation.  The Forum uses its communications, advocacy and policy expertise to create a vision, consensus and strategy that leads to a better, more welcoming America – one that treats all newcomers fairly…

US Political Leaders’ stance on Immigration


US Political Leaders’ stance on Immigration


Study estimates that illegal immigrants paid $11.2B in taxes last year, unlike GE, which paid zero


I bet most of you didn’t know undocumented immigrants contributed more – much more – to the national treasury last year than General Electric. Surprised? Yet it’s true.While GE – which earned a whopping $14 billion last year – is reported to have paid nothing, nada, zero in taxes (GE denies it), the undocumented paid billions in state and local taxes in 2010…




Video: Morire nel deserto

Morire nel deserto

Un filmato documenta la tragica fine degli immigrati espulsi dalla Libia. Così come prevede l’accordo siglato tra Berlusconi e Gheddafi

Le mani nere sollevate ad afferrare l’aria. Pochi passi oltre, il vento sulla camicia anima la smorfia dell’ultimo respiro di una donna. E subito accanto, il corpo di un ragazzo ancora chino nella preghiera da cui non si è mai rialzato. Muoiono così gli immigrati. Così finiscono gli uomini e le donne che non sbarcano più a Lampedusa. Bloccati in Libia dall’accordo Roma-Tripoli e riconsegnati al deserto. Abbandonati sulla sabbia appena oltre il confine. A volte sono obbligati a proseguire a piedi: fino al fortino militare di Madama, piccolo avamposto dell’esercito del Niger, 80 chilometri più a Sud. Altre volte si perdono. Cadono a faccia in giù sfiniti, affamati, assetati senza che nessuno trovi più i loro cadaveri. Un filmato però rivela una di queste stragi. Un breve video che ‘L’espresso’ è riuscito a fare uscire dalla Libia e poi dal Niger. Un’operazione di rimpatrio andata male. Undici morti. Sette uomini e quattro donne, da quanto è possibile vedere nelle immagini…

L’invenzione del clandestino

L’invenzione del clandestino

La minchia gli scassarono ‘sti migranti al governatore Lombardo, non solo l’uscio del capanno di Grammichele. Per questo incita i siciliani a far ronde notturne con il mitra, caso mai incontrassero tunisini in fuga da Mineo o sbarcati sulle coste. Li fulminassero sul bagnasciuga, come proclamò con scarsa padronanza dei termini marinari e ancor meno fortuna bellica la buonanima di Mussolini per l’altra invasione dell’isola, quella del 1943…

Carlos Motta – The Good Life/La Buena Vida

Carlos Motta – The Good Life/La Buena Vida

The Good Life is a multi-part video project composed of over 400 video interviews with pedestrians on the streets of twelve cities in Latin America shot between 2005 and 2008. The work examines processes of democratization as they relate to U.S. interventionist policies in the region. The conversations and dialogues recorded in Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Guatemala, La Paz, Managua, México City, Panamá, Santiago, San Salvador, São Paulo, and Tegucigalpa, cover topics such as individuals’ perceptions of U.S. foreign policy, democracy, leadership, and governance. The result is a wide spectrum of responses and opinions, which vary according to local situations and specific forms of government in each country.

A brief timeline of US Policy on Immigration

A brief timeline of US Policy on Immigration

For many thousands of years people have been settling the Americas. The earliest hunted, gathered, fished, and raised families in small communities. The old tradition holds that people first entered the Americas over a land bridge from Siberia to Alaska about 14,000 years ago. Recent finds, however, put the date of the oldest human remains somewhere between 25,000 and 40,000 years ago. These earliest people were not really migrants in a strict sense because they simply widened their hunting areas over many generations, gradually moving into new territory as the population expanded and the animals they were tracking moved into new habitat.