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Unión Europea: Amnistía Internacional denuncia la hipocresía intrínseca de las políticas migratorias y asilo

Unión Europea: Amnistía Internacional denuncia la hipocresía intrínseca de las políticas migratorias y asilo

Londres/Madrid.- Hace unas semanas se encontraron los cadáveres de 150 personas frente a las costas de las islas Kerkennah, pertenecientes a Túnez. Eran personas que habían huido del conflicto de Libia buscando seguridad en Europa. Su muerte pasó a engrosar la cifra de personas refugiadas y migrantes que han perdido la vida tratando de llegar a Europa: más de 1.400 en lo que va de año.

No es un problema nuevo. Desde hace años, refugiados y migrantes emprenden esta misma travesía. Sin embargo, mientras que Egipto y Túnez, en medio de su propia agitación política, admitieron sin titubeos a cientos de miles de refugiados procedentes de Libia, los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea (UE) no tomaron medidas creíbles para tratar de impedir que miles de personas que huían de este país murieran en el mar”, asegura Sherif Elsayed Ali responsable del Equipo sobre Derechos de Personas Refugiadas y Migrantes de Amnistía Internacional…


What Every Immigrant Needs To Know

What Every Immigrant Needs To Know: Practical information for living and succeeding in the United States

This 45-page guidebook provides practical information about living and succeeding in the U.S. Offered in Spanish and English, the guide provides immigrants and refugees with information about 170 essentials including health, finances, housing, education, insurance, laws, and social values…

No Order


Migration Without Borders. Essays on the Free Movement of People



The right “to leave” a country, laid down in Article 13 (2) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, has no corresponding right “to enter” a country. This apparent contradiction has produced a publication, edited by two UNESCO programme specialists on international migration.


Cambyo: Undocumented and Unafraid

Cambyo: Undocumented and Unafraid

My name is Dayanna. I am undocumented and unafraid.

Last May 1st was the first time I took ownership of my status; I came out of the shadows because I could no longer live in fear of the stigma associated with being undocumented. I am a member of One Michigan, a youth-led organization fighting for immigrant rights in the state and nationally. One Michigan is very motivated to work with undocumented youth in Southwest Detroit and other areas in Michigan. As a youth-led organization, it is upon us the youth to identify our community’s needs and how we are going to make a difference. We like to empower undocumented students to continue their education, come out of the shadows and organize.

2011: El año de la acción directa (2011: The year of direct action)

2011: El año de la acción directa

Tras años de individualismo en el mundo del arte, del más refinado al más pop, y del largo reinado de la generación yo al amparo de Internet, vuelve el combate social. Creadores y activistas se enfrentan a políticos, banqueros y leyes. Sigue habiendo teoría, pero manda la práctica. La cultura pasa a la acción…

Editorial: Support the state’s DREAM Act

Editorial: Support the state’s DREAM Act

There’s nothing like U.S. Supreme Court action — or inaction, in this case — to help make your argument.

In a decision last week, the high court refused to review a legal challenge to a controversial California law extending in-state tuition to illegal immigrants pursuing a higher education.

The high court let stand a state Supreme Court ruling which says the state law does not conflict with federal immigration laws. By doing that, it sets up a virtual safe passage through the state Legislature for the California DREAM Act…

A Call For President Barack Obama To Pardon 12 Million Undocument Immigrants

A Call For President Barack Obama To Pardon 12 Million Undocument Immigrants

An Open Letter To President Barack Obama

From H. Nelson Goodson

Taxpayers for Immigration Reform

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

December 15, 2009

Mr. President Barack Obama,

As I write this letter to you, more than 12 million of undocumented immigrants remain in the shadows within our borders. So be it, with my outmost respect and with the hope you might get an opportunity to actually read this letter before the year ends…




Adhikaar (Nepalese)

Adhikaar (Nepalese)

The Adhikaar story begins in 2005 when four young immigrant women of color came together to discuss the growing inequality experienced by the emerging Nepali community in New York. With $500 and a dream, Adhikaar began collecting stories of injustice endured by immigrant workers. This included domestic workers, nail salon workers, restaurant workers, taxi workers and others who were falling through the cracks due to the lack of linguistic and culturally specific services…

South Asian Youth Action (SAYA!)

South Asian Youth Action

South Asian Youth Action (SAYA!) is the nation’s only secular youth development organization dedicated to South Asian youth.  Our mission is to create social change and opportunities for South Asian youth to realize their fullest potential.  Since inception in 1996, SAYA! has brought comprehensive youth development and after-school programs to nearly 7,000 youth across New York City, and an average of 600 youth each academic year.