
Tag Activism

December 18

Open Invitation for Actions On December 18, designated “International Migrants Day” by the United Nations, we are mobilizing artists and cultural producers across the world to develop projects related to the issues and experience of migration. Through artistic actions, we want to help highlight the fact that human migration is an increasingly central phenomena of contemporary global…

Right-wing extremists tricked by ‘Trojan’ T-shirts

Right-wing extremists tricked by ‘Trojan’ T-shirts

Hundreds of free T-shirts handed out at a weekend right-wing rock festival in the eastern German state of Thuringia contained a secret surprise. Upon washing, the original graphic faded to reveal a clandestine message.

German skinheads who took home free T-shirts after a music festival on Saturday were in for a big surprise.

The shirts, which bore a skull and crossbones symbol and the word ‘Hardcore Rebels,’ faded upon washing to reveal a hidden message: “What happened to your shirt can happen to you. We can help you break with right-wing extremism.”

The T-shirts were the work of Exit Deutschland, a group that helps young people transition out of militant right-wing lifestyles…



Laurie Jo Reynolds – Artist Shows Supermax Prisons Supercruel


Laurie Jo Reynolds - Artist Shows Supermax Prisons Supercruel

Two years ago this November, President Obama appeared on “60 Minutes” and reiterated his promise to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center.  This promise was seen by many as a first step to ending interrogation and torture methods employed by the United States government.  But as of July 2010, detainees remain at Guantanamo and little has been done to change U.S. interrogation policy. With the growth of supermax prisons, rising incarceration rates, and the influence of prison guard unions in states like California, prison reform is an issue the U.S. has only begun to come to terms with, both economically and legislatively…