
Category Immigration

Illegal migrants rewrite Europe’s values


Illegal migrants rewrite Europe’s values

The world is seeing the greatest mobility of people in human history. Hundreds of millions are on the move – many without authorization – to wealthier and growing economies north and south. The consequences of these migration flows are challenging the capacities and finances of government authorities and intergovernmental organizations as well as public attitudes toward immigrants.

Migrants’ Rights are Workers’ Rights!

Celebrate Fearless Activists



Celebrate Fearless Activists

Four DREAM students who walked 1500 miles from Miami to Washington DC to dramatize the barriers facing undocumented immigrants. Two men—one American and one South Asian—who rescued trafficked guest workers from virtual bondage. A police chief who was vilified for speaking up against local enforcement of federal immigration laws.  An African American legislator in the Deep South who helped pass a model anti-racial profiling ordinance, citing the unlawful targeting of immigrants in his state.

Tunisians discover secret archive in Paris



Tunisians discover secret archive in Paris

Homeless migrants sheltering in former Tunisian government building discover thousands of documents from ousted regime.


Look out, the FIRST Dream Act Senate hearing EVER is here!

Look out, the FIRST Dream Act Senate hearing EVER is here!

Has everyone heard the news! No? Well here they are for you. Senator Richard Durbin, or Papa Durbin as we call him, is holding the first ever Senate hearing regarding the Dream Act. No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. The FIRST EVER Dream Act hearing in the Senate…

Migrants decry new US legislation

Migrants decry new US legislation

Like thousands of undocumented people across the US, Alicia Torres waits apprehensively as a new bill which she thinks will lead to racial profiling and employment discrimination sits on the North Carolina governor’s desk waiting for the stamp of approval.

Immigration policy is generally considered to be a federal responsibility in the US, but North Carolina is the latest state to make its own rules.

House Bill 36, which has been passed by North Carolina’s state congress and senate, will institute an E-Verify system, demanding some employers match social security numbers against the names of people they hire.
Critics like Torres say the computerised system is based on unreliable data and its implementation will make it harder for immigrants to find work, as business won’t want to risk the trouble or oversight of hiring people of colour or those whose English isn’t perfect…


Unión Europea: Amnistía Internacional denuncia la hipocresía intrínseca de las políticas migratorias y asilo

Unión Europea: Amnistía Internacional denuncia la hipocresía intrínseca de las políticas migratorias y asilo

Londres/Madrid.- Hace unas semanas se encontraron los cadáveres de 150 personas frente a las costas de las islas Kerkennah, pertenecientes a Túnez. Eran personas que habían huido del conflicto de Libia buscando seguridad en Europa. Su muerte pasó a engrosar la cifra de personas refugiadas y migrantes que han perdido la vida tratando de llegar a Europa: más de 1.400 en lo que va de año.

No es un problema nuevo. Desde hace años, refugiados y migrantes emprenden esta misma travesía. Sin embargo, mientras que Egipto y Túnez, en medio de su propia agitación política, admitieron sin titubeos a cientos de miles de refugiados procedentes de Libia, los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea (UE) no tomaron medidas creíbles para tratar de impedir que miles de personas que huían de este país murieran en el mar”, asegura Sherif Elsayed Ali responsable del Equipo sobre Derechos de Personas Refugiadas y Migrantes de Amnistía Internacional…


What Every Immigrant Needs To Know

What Every Immigrant Needs To Know: Practical information for living and succeeding in the United States

This 45-page guidebook provides practical information about living and succeeding in the U.S. Offered in Spanish and English, the guide provides immigrants and refugees with information about 170 essentials including health, finances, housing, education, insurance, laws, and social values…

No Order


Migration Without Borders. Essays on the Free Movement of People



The right “to leave” a country, laid down in Article 13 (2) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, has no corresponding right “to enter” a country. This apparent contradiction has produced a publication, edited by two UNESCO programme specialists on international migration.