Action for Nowhereisland

Situations, Nowhereisland


Bristol, UK

Project Description:

Nowhereisland is a public art project conceived by artist Alex Hartley and forms part of the Cultural Olympiad in summer 2012. Nowhereisland is a new island nation that has travelled south accruing over 4,000 citizens and asks the question – if you could start again what would you do differently?

The project raises awareness of issues such as nationhood, citizenship, land grab, migration, international crises and climate change. Our Resident Thinker programme invites an expert each week to write a letter to Nowhereisland, which so far have called upon us to be “Pragmatists with Hearts of Gold” and to “Plant a lettuce”, to imagine an immigration policy in which all are equally welcome, an arts policy in which “every child will have time in its curriculum to do nothing and learn how to be bored” and an education policy in which schools are out!

At 2pm on Sunday 18 December 2011 in College Green, Bristol, UK the site of Occupy Bristol the Migrant Manifesto was read aloud by a Stephen Perry of Bristol Speakers Corner. In addition, our Resident Thinker is Forward Maisokwadzo an exiled journalist from Zimbabwe and development worker for City of Sanctuary.


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