
Tag Demographics

Demographics of a Changing New York

Demographics of a Changing New York

What does it mean to have a dynamic population in New York? Why is immigration vital to our city? How do we compare to other urban environments regionally and nationally? Demographics of a Changing New York will address these questions and look at what the statistics mean to New York’s neighborhoods. The panel will be moderated by New York Times Journalist Sam Roberts. Joseph Salvo, a well known demographics expert and director of the Population Division at the New York City Department of City Planning, will present findings on population shifts and trends in the city. Panelist Gordon Campbell, president & CEO of United Way of New York City, will talk about New York’s senior population. Chung-Wha Hong, executive director of the New York Immigration Coalition, will respond from the perspective of New York’s diverse immigrant communities. Caron Nazario, a MAS CITI Youth student, will discuss livability from the youth perspective. And Vicki Been, Boxer Family professor of Law, affiliated professor of Public Policy, and faculty director of the Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy at New York University, will address what these needs mean for the questions that the city faces in terms of land use policy and economic development.

*photo credit: Giles Ashford